Thursday, December 22, 2011

it's mother's day

Blogging Workshop & Awarding Event Govlog on AIDS

Last tuesday I attended to Blogging workshop which held by at FX, Sudirman, Jakarta. I read the information 'bout this workshop on twitter. I sent my biodata and my favorite kanal on by email to the workshop committee. Then a couple days later, I received the confirmation that I got the chance to join the workshop for FREE. yeayy... Free coffee Break, Free Goodie Bag, and Free Lunch. hehehe

The show started at 10 a.m. Well, there're two workshop on that day, the first was talking about 'Increasing the awareness of HIV AIDS in teenagers' and the second one was 'Optimalization of Traffic and Adsense on Blog'. I was really interested on the second one. hehehe... But I thought, the discussion about the second topic was not enough. The speakers didn't give enough or specific infromation about how to optimalize adsense on blog. They just gave a common illustration about it.

the discussion about HIV AIDS

The speakers for Blogging workshop

Inside the Goodie bag (T-shirt, Magazines, Calendar, Free condom, Mouse pad)