Friday, March 16, 2012

Senior High school

The most beautiful period in my life was in Senior High school. yeah, if I could turn back time to those moments,, I want my teenager's life's back!!. Being silly, arrogant, naughty and happy were combined into a moment that never be forgotten. Well, this morning I opened up my photos on facebook, I had a look many old photos there, especially when I was in senior high school. I really miss those moments and also miss my SHS pals. ok, here the pictures are,...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Thesis defense

Well, I just start blogging tonight. It's been busy days dealing with my final paper. 13th February 2012, I had thesis defense. Alhamdulillah I passed the exam. Many thanks to Allah and the people who supported and motivated me during the process of making the thesis. Even I had to spend almost a year for making this research, and extended to the next semester, Alhamdulillah I can make it.