Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Vinna & me

yuuppp, FYI, she's actually my bf's sister. And unofficially, she's my sister in law. hehehe. But, gw ngerasa klo kita berdua lebih dari sekedar itu. We're like best friend. Kita sering jalan2 bareng, curhat2an bareng, (tp... gw gak pernah curhat ttg kk nya ke dia), pokoknya gw sering banget minta temenin dia kmn2.. mulai dari minta anterin ke tukang urut, sampe nemenin gw ke acara surprise party gw dari ank2 ESQ angkatan 55 di D'cost kemang.
Gara2 sering main sm dia, kadang2 jd kebawa-bawa deh jiwa anak
SMA nya. hihi.. Gw seneng banget dengerin dia curhat ttg cow2 yg lagi deket sm dia, ttg mantan2nya dia, and she talks anything about what she did. Gak lupa juga, GOssiiipppp. (o.0)

Klopp banget dehh kita berduaa. ahahaha.. I feel that she's my real younger sister.

Friday, August 27, 2010

fav. quote

" When you can dream it. You can do it. It's important to dream of something. Make that dream now, learn hard about it and you'll be ready to make some actions to achieve that dream"
-Walt Disney

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Friends. I think

hey you guys... what do you think about having best friends in your life?? do you guys have some best friends or just close friends?? I think close friends and best friends are different things, huh.
hmmm, salah satu dr temen gw pernah bilang klo lo akan tahu who is/are your BEST friend(s) when you are in collage or university. I thought she was right. I realized that, even they're not my university's friends, but they're my senior high school mates.

"A friend is someone you can be alone with and have nothing to do and not be able to think of anything to say and be comfortable in the silence" - Sheryl Condie

I do love you, guys.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bukber puasa bareng temen2 SMP

it's such a wonderful night having dinner and karaoke with my junior high school mates.