Thursday, May 24, 2012

My lil Nephew (when he was a baby)

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This code is valid until 27 May 2012.
With no minimum purchase. so, you can shop as many as you want, even the cheapest thing.
so, just drop by. Wuhuuuuu..

Friday, May 18, 2012

Media 'cibs' bday

media 'cibs' as bday girl.

Celebrated her bday in Ramen 1, Cibubur junction.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

My dad came into my dream

speecless and then cried. That's what I felt when I woke up a couple days ago. On last sunday, I had a family's meeting talking about my wedding's plan. Then, malamnya sewaktu saya tidur, I dreamt meeting my dad in a graveyard. Hmmmm, rada heran juga sihh kenapa tiba2 mimpinya udah ada di graveyard with my mom and my sister. And I saw my dad's grave was opened, I looked into it, then I saw my dad sleeping in it with a happy smile. Tiba-tiba ada angin berhembus lumayan kencang, and tiba-tiba juga papa sudah berdiri di depan saya. He smiled at me, said: "Anak papa mau nikah". Then, he asked about my future huband.
papa:" gimana 'G"'?
saya: "G baik pah, tapi kadang cepet ngambek"
Papa: (he just smiled) "terus, sekarang 'G' nya mana?"
saya: "Nggak ada. G nya nggk ikut."
Papa: "suruh ajak kesini donk, ketempat papa"
saya: "iyah"

after this conversation, my dad tried to hug me, tapi, tiba-tiba saya sudah terbangun, dan tepat jam 4 pagi alarm di handphone saya berbunyi. Masih dalam keadaan sadar dan tidak sadar. was it true or not? did my dad try to tell me bringing my G to his grave before we get married? Hmmmm.... I think so.
Perhaps, I'll go to his grave with my G before Ied Fitri this year.

Papa, I love you. I miss you.

Friday, May 04, 2012

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Review: Ayla Catering

Good Morning, Hope this wednesday will be a great day. hehehe
Hari ini seharusnya saya ke kantor, tp berhubung hari ini harus ada some things yg harus di urus di kampus, so I  dont come to the office today. Anyway, a couple weeks ago I did some test food for two caterings. In the morning, was Ayla catering and the evening was Nur Kharisma Catering. Me and my bf are planning to get married in November this year. So, we have to prepare our wedding reception from now. Well, the first thing that I want to review is Ayla catering. Kebetulan, saya kenal dan tahu Ayla catering dari kakak ipar saya yang notebennya si empunya catering ini adalah temannya kaka ipar saya, his name's Pak Nuryadi. He's a nice guy, actually. Sebelumnya, my sister and his husband had already met pak Nuryadi to talk about the wedding package and also the price. Dan in the following week, I was invited by him to come to Panasonic Gobel building in Gandaria, Jakarta Timur to taste their food.
OK, Let's talk about the food and then the decoration.

The food (Score = 75)
They served some food in a backroom.
Makanan yg disediakan pd saat itu ada, Nasi goreng, kakap asam manis, soup ayam, pudding, daging cabai hijau (satu lg saya lupa ;P). Nasi gorengnya cukup enak, dan paling enak menurut saya itu kakap asam manisnya dan daging cabai hijaunya. But, my Cami said that Daging cabaihijaunya terlalu banyak lada. hehehe. Selain itu, pudding cokelatnya kurang manis dan fla nya terlalu encerr. Soup ayamnya sendiri lumayan enak sihh.

The decoration (score = 80)
Menurut saya dekorasinya lumayan bagus. Karena saya kurang suka dengan pelaminan yang menggunakan gebyok, jadi saya kurang tertarik. hehehe here they are the picts of the decoration:

I'll share the review of NurKharisma Catering in the next post. n.n