Wednesday, May 09, 2012

My dad came into my dream

speecless and then cried. That's what I felt when I woke up a couple days ago. On last sunday, I had a family's meeting talking about my wedding's plan. Then, malamnya sewaktu saya tidur, I dreamt meeting my dad in a graveyard. Hmmmm, rada heran juga sihh kenapa tiba2 mimpinya udah ada di graveyard with my mom and my sister. And I saw my dad's grave was opened, I looked into it, then I saw my dad sleeping in it with a happy smile. Tiba-tiba ada angin berhembus lumayan kencang, and tiba-tiba juga papa sudah berdiri di depan saya. He smiled at me, said: "Anak papa mau nikah". Then, he asked about my future huband.
papa:" gimana 'G"'?
saya: "G baik pah, tapi kadang cepet ngambek"
Papa: (he just smiled) "terus, sekarang 'G' nya mana?"
saya: "Nggak ada. G nya nggk ikut."
Papa: "suruh ajak kesini donk, ketempat papa"
saya: "iyah"

after this conversation, my dad tried to hug me, tapi, tiba-tiba saya sudah terbangun, dan tepat jam 4 pagi alarm di handphone saya berbunyi. Masih dalam keadaan sadar dan tidak sadar. was it true or not? did my dad try to tell me bringing my G to his grave before we get married? Hmmmm.... I think so.
Perhaps, I'll go to his grave with my G before Ied Fitri this year.

Papa, I love you. I miss you.