Saturday, October 30, 2010


Hufff,, akhirnya presentasi juga gw.
Sempet deg2an sebelum maju,, but, when I came forward, rasa nervous itu langsung hilang. jadi langsung PD aja. ahahaha.
Well.. yesterday I presented my proposal of Chapter 1 for my thesis entitled The Reflection of Racism toward the Young Half-Caste Aborigins in Rabbit-Proof Fence Movie by Philip Noyce Using Post-Colonialism.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Untung Pake Esia.

I was sent a sms from Esia about Buy 1 super klenger Burger, free 1 Burger sapi panggang (Bursang). Asiikkk... Lumayan lahh, dapet gratisan. hehehe... Tadi waktu pulang kuliah, mampir dulu di Alfa Midi deket rumah to make sure whether the promotion is true or not.
Well, I showed the sms to the servant, and immediately he removed it.

Friday, October 22, 2010

heavy rain. today!

yupp, sesuai dengan judul di atas, hari ini Jakarta kembali di guyurr hujan derass beserta angin kencang. Fortunately, the rain fell when I was going home. Well, today I became a moderator in my friend's presentation. Honestly, I was shy enough though. But I always try to be confident to speak in public. :p

I am lazy to type right now. So, I just want to share some pictures of the day.

Having sundae Ice cream before the class with Cuwi and Adnan, her bf

Babul were presenting her proposal

Quote of the day

" Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit "

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Girls just wanted to have some fun.

in a rainy day

Hari ini jakarta diguyur hujan lebaat sekali. Angin berhembuss dengan kencang.... :p

Duhh, baku bangett sih kata2 pembukanya.
LOL. Hmmm, ya begitulah kira2 gambaran jakarta sore hari ini. Tadi pas pulang kuliah, tepatnya didaerah Pasar induk ciracas, ada beberapa pohon tumbang, ada yang kena pager pembatas jalan sampe roboh pagernya, teruss ada yang ngerobohin toko kayu2. yang lebih parah lagi, ada kopaja yang kerobohan tiang penyangga papan reklame, dan itu yang bikin macettt. As I saw, kayaknya Kenek kopajanya masih ada didalam kopajanya, and kejepit didalem. Yaa, mudah2an nggk ada korban jiwa. Amin.

Oiya, jadi inget tadi ceritanya Lebay (sary). Hahaha, gara2 dosen Biscomm bilang kalau bikin resume, educationnya di urutin dari mulai recent educationnya, bukan dari sekolah SD. Ehh malah ngebahas daerah Ciledug.

ok, here are the conversation:

Lebay : Ahh, mentang2 Sd gw dipinggiran (ciledug, red) tuh dosen nggk tau. ahaha. Nggk pernah lewat tol apa tuh dosen. ahaahha (Nggk nyambung bangett).

Gw and Cuwi : (just laughing) LOL

Lebay : Yee, nama daerah cowok gw lebih kocak l
g, namanya daerah gondrong.
Cuwi : ahahahaha, bisa pas gitu sihh namanya. yang satu kunciran, yang satu lagi gondrong.
Lebay : iya, makanya kalo ditanya orang rumahnya dimana, gw sm Durma (her BF, red) pasti selalu jawab di Ciledug.
Gw : ahaha, pantesan... nama daerahnya aja udh aneh, apalagi orangnya.

WKWKWKW, gw cuma bisa cengar-cengir aja disitu. Emang, temen gw itu super kocak, banyak banget kejadian lucu tentang dia. Dari mulai gaptek mesin ATM sampe kekunci didalam mobilnya Cuwi. ahaha, Padahal cuma tinggal dibuka aja kuncinya, ehh dia malah gedor2 kaca mobil. Nggak penting banget dehh.
Ini dia penampakannya ::

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Garbage in my bag

ok ok.. memang terlihat sedikit nasty ya, saving garbage in a bag, especially tissue. Berhubung gw lagi flu dan lumayan banyak mengeluarkan *ng*s, hehehe, so, I used tissue to wipe it out from my cute nose. waakkk. Well, this is one of my way to keep our environment clean. Gw selalu coba untuk nggk membuang sampang sembarang, especially in public transportation. Yaa, seperti kita tahu juga, klo angkot2 or every bus in Jakarta tuh nggk ada tempat sampahnya, walaupun ada, masih banyak orang yang buang sampah di kolong bangku. Hmm, gw gak mau dibilang uneducated student, yang kadang nggk dipikir dulu sebelum bertindak. Contohnya aja kayak hal kecil, buang sampah sembarangan. Ya, walaupun cuma sebungkus permen aja or selembar tissue, tapi, kalau banyak orang yang nggk sadar akan hal tersebut, makin lama, sampahnya makin banyak dehh.
If everyone realizes that from a little thing and from our consciousness, we can make a great change to keep our earth clean.!

How lucky I am

I dont know what should I write on this page. What I am going to do is to share and express of my thought in my mind. Bcoz, it’s one of the best way to make you feel better. Well, Im not as special as someone else,and Im not as extraordinary as any girls outside. But, I like being me. I thank God for everything I had, my life, my family, my best friends, and everything.

But sometimes, as human being, we never satisfy about what we had now. Yes, I do agree that we must try to be a better, successful and extraordinary one. But I disagree if we always force to be someone else. Everyone has their own way to be happy and enjoy their life. Because our happiness depends on ourselves.

Im not a girl anymore. I shouldnt be mad or dissapointed if something doesnt go along with my expectation. I believe, sometimes, I dont get what I want, but God gives me what I need, and God knows everything all the best for me.

I want to thank God for everything. For the health, happiness, strength, perferct body, the great family, wonderful friends, the house where I live, the food, and anything which I can’t mention one by one.

1. Thank God for giving a worthy house to live, so I don’t need to live or sleep on the street.

2. Thank God for giving me strength and perfect body.

3. Thank God for giving me a great family. My super wonderful mother who always loves me and sacrificed for this family, I do really love you, mom. My wonderful father who supports me in anything and always gives me chances to do anything if they are positive. My silly sister who gave me super annoying nephew (Opal), and also for the whole family. I love you, guys.

4. Thank God for giving me many wonderful friends in my life. Especially for best friends who always be there by my side when I need them.

5. and also Thank God for giving me this wonderful life.

Here. I am

Well, first of all, I do love my new blog design.

Ya, kadang2 pikiran manusia tuh suka berubah-ubah mengikuti mood yg ada. Contohnya, niatnya sihh mau bikin blog baru pake account TUMBLR, tp..... blogging on blogspot is more interesting than on tumblr. Ok, let's say, I like to blog on blogspot, actually.

Pagi ini gw berusaha untuk menyelesaikan tugas Literary Criticism ttg Gay and Lesbian theory in the story of The life to come by E.M Forster. It's quite interesting story about homosexuality between a chief of a tribe and a young christian missionary. Ok,my tasks are to describe how the main characters are portrayed in the story and the representation of homosexuality in the story. Honestly, I am so lazy to read the whole story though. hehehe.