Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Here. I am

Well, first of all, I do love my new blog design.

Ya, kadang2 pikiran manusia tuh suka berubah-ubah mengikuti mood yg ada. Contohnya, niatnya sihh mau bikin blog baru pake account TUMBLR, tp..... blogging on blogspot is more interesting than on tumblr. Ok, let's say, I like to blog on blogspot, actually.

Pagi ini gw berusaha untuk menyelesaikan tugas Literary Criticism ttg Gay and Lesbian theory in the story of The life to come by E.M Forster. It's quite interesting story about homosexuality between a chief of a tribe and a young christian missionary. Ok,my tasks are to describe how the main characters are portrayed in the story and the representation of homosexuality in the story. Honestly, I am so lazy to read the whole story though. hehehe.