Friday, February 18, 2011

me time

I like to spend my day in my room. I can do many things in it. Mulai dari doing my fav thing "watching dvd", baca buku/majalah, lama2 didepan laptop, sampai think about many crazy things and planning for my future. Yes, sometimes I review what I have done and what I shouldnt do. Or in the other words, saya senang mengingat hal-hal yang bikin saya merasa senang atau pun sedih. Hmmmm, mungkin dari sini pula saya bisa intropeksi diri untuk menjadi pribadi yg lebih baik.
By reviewing all I have done in the past, I know what I should do next without doing the same mistake and try to make it all better.
Well, kadang saya merasa risih kalau ponakan saya sudah masuk ke kamar saya. hufff... he's so annoying boy, huh! Kamar saya bisa berantakan seketika! So, I always close and lock the door. hahaha... But actually, he's so funny. Yaa.. dengan umurnya yg msh dibilang 'lagi lucu-lucunya', kadang dia sering melakukan hal-hal yang menggemaskan sampai membuat seisi rumah tertawa.
Hmmm, actually I am not a good writer or make an interesting text. But I like to share many things to other people. Even that's my secret, but... I wont tell the whole story, ya. hehe.
Btw, last week I had an advertising assignment, each group which contains 4 people had to make a poster about Bina Nusantara University advertisement. In one page, the above side is the advertisement and below is an advertorial. I hope we can get the best score for this final test. aminn... and here is the poster: